Privacy Policy

Our Commitment To Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online and offline information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested. (is requested?)

The Information We Collect
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the website or provided through email or any other online mode. We collect personally identifiable information on/through pages titled like Join Hands, Contact, Global AEC Events etc. On all such pages we collect information pertaining to you and your organization/activities listed below.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Company Name
  • Current Job Title
  • Industry Expertise
  • Organization Name
  • Website Links
  • Brief Description About Yourself

The Way We Use Information
We use the above listed personally identifiable information collected from you solely to facilitate better stakeholder collaboration, community building, and for the purpose it was collected. We neither use the content shared by you nor the personally identifiable information you have shared with us for any commercial purpose like sharing this data with third parties, which may use this information for a purpose other than intended. Or who can use such information for calling you / mailing you without your explicit consent. We furnish herewith the details of use of this information for your quick reference and clarity.

Blog Page: We collect your Name, Company Name, Email Id, and any other attachments you provide when you submit your blog/write up either online or through email to us. Alternatively, if you have allowed us to reproduce/republish the content from your website/any other offline/online medium, we collect information available with us/available on your website/ Social Media pages/networking sites etc. We associate this information with the content shared by you and reproduce it on our website to give due credit to you for the content you have shared. This also helps all stake holders to foster a collaborative approach and build a community focused on the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AECO) domain. By submitting your blog, you provide us explicit consent for using the information provided for the purposes mentioned above.

Global AEC Events: When you/any user/visitor to our website registers an event with us, we collect his/her name, Event Title, Email Id, Virtual/Venue Location, Website Link, and Date, along with any other attachments like event brochures etc. We use this data to display information about various events taking place globally, verify authenticity of the person who has submitted such details, to provide registration opportunities to visitors/users of our website and contact you in case of any queries at their end. details and registration opportunities related to the AECO and allied industries. By submitting your event online or through email/fax etc. with intention of displaying this information on our website, you provide us explicit consent for using the information provided for the purposes mentioned above.

Contact Us Page: When you engage with us through our Contact Us page, we collect your Name, Company Name (if applicable), Email Id, Phone number/Mobile number, Message, and any attachments you provide. This information is used to respond to your inquiries, address feedback, and initiate conversations related to the content of your message. By submitting your personally identifiable details through our Contact Us page, you provide us explicit consent for using the information provided for the purposes mentioned above.

Join Us (Mentor) Page: By submitting your details through our Join Us as a Mentor page/email/any other mode for mentorship, you provide us details like your Name, Email, Phone Number, Current Job Title, Industry Expertise, Years of Experience, Brief Description of Your Expertise and express your willingness and availability to mentor startups in AECO domain. We will display this information on our website and other promotional materials to help startups which are onboarded by us for our various programs for connecting with you for mentorship. Once we connect with you a startup for mentorship, our role will be limited to facilitate/coordination with the startups, and we will not participate in any commercial discussion/negotiation between you and the startup if both of you want to get engaged with each other commercially. By submitting your personally identifiable details for acting as a mentor, you provide us explicit consent for using the information provided for the purposes mentioned above, agree to display this information on our website, and agree to the fact that AmpliNxt’s role is limited to connecting you with the startups and coordinating/facilitating/scheduling the interaction.

Join Us (Startup) Page: When you apply to join us as a Startup through our website/through online application form for various programs being offered by us you provide your Name, 1st Founder Name, Email, Phone Number, Tech in Focus, 2nd Founder Name, and a Brief Description of Your Startup, along with attachments like pitch decks and financial information. We use this information and share the same with our team, board members, advisors, freelancers, mentors etc. to evaluate your startup’s potential and relevance to the AECO domain and decide about your onboarding with us. Subsequently during your journey with us, we will share this and similar updated, newly created/acquired information with other stakeholders like mentors, partners, investors, other startups from this domain, etc. to facilitate your growth and support you in achieving your short- and long-term goals. By applying for incubation as a startup with us and submitting your personally identifiable details, you provide us explicit consent for using the information provided for the purposes mentioned above, display this information on our website, and agree to the fact that once selected and onboarded for incubation with AmpliNxt, your association with AmpliNxt will be governed by a separate agreement signed between you and AmpliNxt.

Join Us (Partner) Page: By applying/submitting details/agreeing to join AmpliNxt as a Partner, you provide your Organization Name, Contact Person Name, Email, Phone Number, Type of Partnership you intend to forge with us, details of the benefits you will be granting to our startups and a Brief Description of Your Industry, along with attachments/brochures etc. This information helps us evaluate potential partnerships opportunities as our ecosystem partner and helps our startups/our team members in connecting with you for further course of action. By applying/submitting details/ agreeing to join AmpliNxt Community as a partner, and submitting your personally identifiable details, you provide us explicit consent for using the information provided for the purposes mentioned above and agree to the fact that we shall display this information on our website and share the same with various stakeholders. You also agree to the fact that AmpliNxt’s role will be that of a coordinator/ facilitator and your relationship with our startups will be governed by a separate contract between you and the concerned startups which wants to avail benefits being offered by your organization. These privacy policies aim to transparently communicate how we collect, use, and protect your personal information in alignment with our commitment to fostering collaboration and community within the AECO startup ecosystem. Also, in general, we use return email addresses to answer the email we receive. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties.

Our Commitment to Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

How You Can Access or Correct Your Information
You can inquire about all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by contacting us. We use this procedure to better safeguard your information. You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly shows error. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

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