Beta Program 2022-2023

The AmpliNxt Beta Program emerged as the second cohort. It was crafted to shepherd innovative startups towards growth within the Construction industry. This program focused on SaaS-Based marketplaces for Architecture Design and Services, Sustainable Digitization in the Construction Industry, and Cloud Data Security.

Notable Participated Startups

Notable Participated Startups

Built Design: BuiltDesign is a pioneering SaaS-based marketplace revolutionizing architecture design and services. Their mission is to democratize architectural expertise, ensuring accessibility for all and igniting boundless creativity. With a visionary goal, BuiltDesign aims to lead the Construction-Tech industry by digitalizing architectural design and services through an innovative remote design platform. Operating on a SaaS model, they offer a freemium mode, providing flexibility and value to our diverse user base.


SkureCloud offers comprehensive assistance in navigating the complexities of cloud management, ensuring a seamless journey regardless of the level of requirement. Specializing in cloud vulnerability management, SkureCloud empowers clients to architect robust security programs that facilitate agile development while upholding stringent security and compliance standards. Thier agentless assessment and live results feature enables rapid and effortless discovery and evaluation of cloud assets.

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